Reiki - Classes - Spiritual Coaching
My Mission is to facilitate your healing journey; I work with those who:
My vision is a better world for us all.
I feel when you bring peace into one's heart, you bring peace into this world. When one is at peace with themselves, it is impossible to hurt another...
We are all One, and each of us possesses unlimited creative potential flowing through us at this very moment. My intention is to awaken others to their inherent power and grace, helping them to realize life is responding to them, and that we have the ability to heal simply by changing thoughts and perspective.
I was guided to Holy Fire III Reiki following a Traumatic Brain Injury and subsequent job termination. Devastated by my injury, depression, anxiety, loss of employment & health insurance, I discovered Reiki as a means of self-healing.
Quickly realizing the magnitude of what this transformational energy could do, my life immediately began to shift, and as I started to heal physically & emotionally, I knew it was my path to bring this healing energy into the world.
Given my own experience, I specialize in neurological & pain disorders, major life changes, PTSD, and childhood trauma.
A member of the Northwest Reiki Association (NWRA) and International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT), and a Certified Dancing Jaguar's Spirit Camp Teacher, I'm affiliated with the Metaphysical Empowerment & Wellness Fairs, Light Journeys Metaphysical Healing & Psychic Faires, Right2Survive, Prism House PDX, and volunteer my services at Women's Care Day at Sisters of the Road cafe, Emerson House, and Crestview Recovery.